Do polished concrete floors meet low carbon requirements?

No matter where you live or what industry you work in, the move towards low or no-carbon has been unavoidable.

Becoming the centrepiece for political campaigns and a hot topic across the globe, why do we need to meet low carbon requirements and can polished concrete be used to help us meet them?

The race net zero

Official data has revealed that the global temperature has risen sharply, at around 0.20ºC per decade since 1982 – over three times the recorded temperature rise (0.06ºC) per decade since 1850.

Unless major action is taken, we are set for a global temperature increase of 1.5ºC by 2050 – something that could cause catastrophic climate change impacts, including more frequent and severe droughts, heatwaves, and rainfall.

In an attempt to stop this, 196 parties (countries) signed the Paris Agreement at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris 2015 to combat climate change caused by ever-rising carbon emissions – by creating and adhering to NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions).

The link between carbon emissions and construction

One of these NDCs is related to zero and low carbon requirements in construction – which is responsible for over 40% of carbon emissions from the built environment (the buildings themselves).

The move towards low carbon requirements in construction can be achieved by prioritising the following:

  • Implementing material harvesting and manufacture that results in lowered carbon emissions
  • Reusing a minimum of 45% of a building’s structural elements
  • Selecting low-carbon materials
  • Choosing lower carbon construction techniques

A massive issue within construction as a whole is concrete, which contributed toward 8% of total global carbon emissions in 2021 – 6% more than all carbon emissions associated with the aviation industry.

So, surely choosing polished concrete flooring can’t possibly help us meet low carbon requirements?

What is polished concrete flooring?

Perhaps surprisingly, it can.

Concrete floors are made of a mix of cement, gravel, sand, and water and, once thoroughly mixed are poured to a depth of about 10cm.

This depth can change depending on the needs and particulars of the building or project, but the subfloor must always be prepared properly beforehand to ensure a smooth and hardwearing finish.

Then, to give the polished appearance mentioned in the name, the set and sealed concrete is stripped, honed, and sealed to create either a glossy or matte finish.

Benefits of polished concrete floors in relation to low carbon requirements

If concrete production is so bad for the environment, how can using it as flooring benefit the drive for zero and low carbon requirements in construction?

  • It replaces many other flooring options

Polished concrete floors are a standalone floor type – needing no extra additions.

This is unlike screeds and floor coverings like vinyl, tiles, or carpet, which add extra layers to your floors. All of which come with their associated CO2 emissions for manufacture, delivery, and installation.

  • It’s low maintenance and has a long lifespan

The installation process, durability of the concrete, and the topping sealant on polished concrete floors are low maintenance, functional, and very hardwearing.

The seamless surface stops dirt, dust, and grime from becoming trapped and stops stains from penetrating the uppermost layer – making it simple and easy to keep clean with gentle chemicals.

Because of this durability, domestic and commercial polished concrete floors can last for 20 years or more with regular maintenance and appropriate cleaning.

Plus, polished concrete is a staggeringly low contributor towards greenhouse gas emissions because it can be professionally repaired as and when needed and therefore should not need to be removed and replaced.

  • It has low VOCs

Polished concrete flooring has a low level of harmful chemicals known as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

As a primary pollutant that causes emissions, VOCs should be avoided in low-carbon products and projects.

  • Concrete flooring has excellent heat conduction

Polished concrete is an excellent heat conductor for heating systems and can hold the heat it gains from the sun, helping to keep spaces warm without having to rely on or overuse carbon-causing heating systems.

Is my location suitable for industrial polished concrete flooring?

Need polished concrete floor contractors for your project or refurb? Quest Flooring can help.

We have an experienced and skilled in-house team that will handle everything from site assessment to preparing your quote, preparing your subfloor and finally your professional installation.

To ask a question or book a site survey for your project, call us on 01925 737 369  or fill out our online form – we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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